Saturday, 18 October 2008


How very wonderful to be speaking to you again....I have missed you so much!!!

I suppose you will be wondering why I have been away from my post? Well...I had an "episode" in the church kitchen!!!! What episode, well I felt a blinding pain flash through my head and next thing I knew I fell down on to the floor.

It is always important to commend people and I really commend the folk in the emergency room at the Christchurch Hospital. They were efficient, kind and really wonderful. I stayed in hospital for a week and the diagnosis was either a flash migraine or a TIA...I'll take the flash migraine!!!

Speaking to my brother Dave Goosen tonight I joked about "The Lord MAKES me lie down" so often that is true. We rush from pillar to post and so often to be "Mary" to sit at the feet of the Master and just receive.

Thank you to all of my precious sisters and brothers who prayed for me and to everyone:




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BetweenYou and Me

BetweenYou and Me