Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Women of The Word - LO RUHAMAH

Hosea 1:6
Gomer conceived again and gave birth to a daughter. Then the Lord said to Hosea, "Call her Lo-Ruhamah, for I will no longer show love to the house of Israel, that I should at all forgive them".

I cannot even imagine being named "UN-LOVED".
How devestating it is for any child to know that their name means un-loved, and even more devestating to know that God was using her as an example to her people-an example of their sin.

You see God had set the nation aside because of their unbelief, and Lo-Ruhmaha's mother, Gomer had acted on that lack of faith. It is not unreasonable to wonder if Lo-Ruhamah was even Hosea's child?

I wondered how a child would be effected by their name and I wondered how this child, this girl/woman would react to her father. Whether it would be easy to be loving to your father while having this knowledge.

But...just as God wooed His people back to Himself, I like to think that He wooed Lo-Ruhamah back to Himself as well. When God declares a people or persons sin it is only to seperate them from the sin and bring them back into relationship with Him.

I want you to know today that when God called His people away from sin in the Bible it is no different to Him wooing you to Himself today. He longs for you, He yearns for fellowship with you, He wants you in the circle of His love.

What are you trapped in today? What sin keeps you seperated from His love? Today when He calls to you, He will seperate you from your sin, He will cleanse you, He will heal you, He will love just reach out to Him...

Do not wait any not be lonley, do not feel lonley, do not crave love...Jesus is more than enough, He is waiting.

Remember Jesus loves you,
Hugs as always

BetweenYou and Me

BetweenYou and Me