Saturday, 12 January 2008


Today I want to talk about Brother Lawrence, he was a lame monk working in the monastery kitchen.

He said, " For me the time of action does not differ from the time of prayer, and in the noise and clutter of my kitchen, while several persons are calling on me for many different things, I possess God in as great tranquility as when on my knees."

Can you imagine what his life was like, in the middle of everything he learnt the art of integration (incorporating the sacred with the secular). This is truely an art we need to learn as we rush around in our every day lives.

Being busay on the outside yet grounded and still, on the inside. May your week see you in the secret place, the shadow of the Almighty, swaddled in His love for you.

Remember Jesus loves you and I am so grateful for your friendship


Friday, 11 January 2008


Our daughter got married on the 29th of December. What a flurry of excitement, our house seemed overflowing with giggling flower girls, chattering bridesmaids, then it was over all too quickly.

George and I returned home to a house which seemed to echo with our voices and we found ourselves sipping a cup of (very welcome) tea and wondering how Kerry-Lee grew up so quickly.

Seasons change in our lives, and although our son is still at home, (not for very long), (there seems to be another wedding looming) George and I have a new found freedom. Tiome to BE again.

Hows grateful we are to God for our son-in-law and his wonderful family who have embraced our daughter with such generosity of love.

God is indeed good!

Love and hugs


BetweenYou and Me

BetweenYou and Me